Rebecca Walser is a Top 100 US Advisor, Tax Attorney, Wealth Strategist, Certified Financial Planner, and a best selling author. In this episode, Rebecca helps us understand U.S. real estate tax.
We are heading towards a major shift in the U.S. economy, with a huge segment of the population reaching retirement age. The ripple effects of this will be felt for years to come, so it is time to get prepared.
Learn how to close more land deals in 2021 by registering for our FREE Land Flipping Class starting on Dec 8th HERE
The Entire Economy Will Change In This Decade
Rebecca foresees huge shifts in the U.S. economy in the next decade.
“Since we’ve been established as a country, this is the most changed decade that we have ever had.”
Over 70 million baby boomers will reach retirement age within the next 10 years.
“This is the largest demographic shift of millions of people that are currently gainfully employed and are paying taxes that support social security and Medicare.”
In the next 10 years, baby boomers will retire and stop paying taxes and will go onto social security and Medicare. We will only start feeling this between 2022 and 2026 – 50 million people will retire in just 5 years. This will place a major strain on the economy. Understanding real estate tax will be key to thriving during this time.
Understanding Real Estate Tax
Real estate is extremely favored from a tax law perspective – in fact, Rebecca calls it “the second most-favored asset category in the tax code.”
Depreciation on a building will offset rental income once a property has been developed. You can eventually depreciate down to a basis of 0 and sell it. This allows you to sell the property without paying tax on the gain. This is just one of the many ways you can leverage real estate tax!
In this episode, Rebecca explains many more ways that you can structure your deals in order to legally minimize your taxes. You will get far greater insights into how real estate tax works. Changes in the economy are on the horizon, but there is still time to prepare.
What’s Inside:
- Find out how real estate tax works
- Learn about ways to offset your taxes
- Discover why the economy will undergo radical changes in the next decade
Mentioned in this episode
- Learn how to close more land deals in 2021 by registering for our FREE Land Flipping Class starting on Dec 8th HERE
- Join the Land Profit Generator Community Facebook Group
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- Find out more about Rebecca Walser at: