How To Set Yourself Up For Success in 2022

How To Set Yourself Up For Success in 2022

Do you want to know how to set yourself up for success in 2022?

Do you want to build a life rich in entrepreneurial freedom in the new year?

Catch this episode of the Forever Cash Podcast to discover how you can become a successful land investor in 2022.

“If you start your year plan in January, you are already a quarter behind.”

This is a lesson Michelle, and I learned a long time ago when we first started our land investing business. Like many of our students, we started our land investing business while holding down full-time jobs. If you are in a similar position, you will have to dedicate time to build your knowledge and lay the foundations for success in your land investing business in 2022.

Why it is the perfect time to launch your land investing business

You might be wondering why now is the ideal time to start your land investing business?

The Covid-19 pandemic and resultant lockdowns ushered in a new way of life for millions of people across the globe.

With the implementation of strict lockdowns, people were forced to work from home for months while waiting for the pandemic to subside. These 18-20 months were more than enough for people to change their behavior and realign their priorities permanently.

Now that we are reconstructing our lives to accommodate our rapidly changing reality, people are rejecting the idea of returning to the office permanently. The opportunity to live in peri-urban and rural areas while still working a corporate job has become a reality rather than a dream. As a result, hundreds of Americans are searching for alternatives to city living, driving demand for raw land.

Over the past 18 years in the land business, we have become accustomed to the land market being more subdued over the holiday season. However, the increased demand for land during the pandemic meant that we did not see this lul in the market at the close of 2020. This year, we see a similar pattern, with Michelle and I closing three land deals in the days ahead of the Thanksgiving weekend.

If you want to take advantage of the perfect market conditions to get into land investing, join us on the weekend of December 10 – 12 for the Land Flipping Bootcamp to learn everything you need to know to make 2022 your year of success!

Visit: to book your spot!

How to set yourself up for land investing success in 2022

If you are ready to build a life rich in entrepreneurial freedom and success in 2022, you have to lay the foundations now so that you are in a position to hit the floor running by January.

The most important task that you need to pay attention to right now is building your knowledge base. If you do the groundwork now, you will be ready to start the deal-making process at the beginning of the first quarter of 2022.

Many of our students get their first deals closed within 90 days of entering our program, and therefore you will be able to start generating real cash by the close of the first quarter of 2022 if you start taking action now.   

Because we understand how critical it could be to your success in 2022, we are hosting one last online training event for 2021. Over the cause of three days, I will be offering a deep dive into the exact systems and methods we have used to build a multi-million dollar real estate empire, using the simplest asset class in real estate – LAND.

Book your ticket TODAY and get a head start on your year of financial freedom!